Xuanwei County SWI (Yunnan)

El orfanato de Xuanwei se encuentra en el condado de Xuanwei, a unas 3 horas en tren de Kunming, la capital de la provincia de Yunnan.

Información sobre Xuanwei:
Xuanwei es un condado situado bajo la jurisdicción de la ciudad de Qujing.
Es famoso por ser el origen del jamón de Xuanwei.

Información general:
(sin datos)

Director del orfanato:
(sin datos)

Apellidos de los niños:
(sin datos)

Fotografías del orfanato:
No hemos encontrado fotos del orfanato de Xuanwei. En cuanto encontremos alguna la publicaremos en el álbum de Xuanwei que hemos creado (pinchar aquí).

Grupo de familias adoptantes:

Historias personales:
No tenemos historias personales de familias adoptantes en el orfanato de Xuanwei

Relatos de familias que han visitado el orfanato o la ciudad:
No hemos encontrado familias que hayan visitado el orfanato de Xuanwei

Páginas de familias adoptantes:
No hemos encontrado páginas de familias españolas adoptantes en el orfanato de Xuanwei

Páginas de familias adoptantes (en otros idiomas):
Everything Murphy: septiembre 2014

Otras páginas de interés sobre el orfanato (también en inglés):
No hemos encontrado otras páginas sobre el orfanato de Xuanwei
[Las entradas se van ampliando constantemente, si teneis información que aquí no salga, así como experiencias y fotos, sería muy importante que colaboraseis con nosotras para las familias que vienen detrás].

4 comentarios:

  1. Unable to sell my coins in Gemini|Gemini Support Number
    Unable to sell coins in Gemini. Every Gemini user needs expert’s assistance once in a while to fix their issues. The experts available are skilled and seasoned who will not only resolve your errors but also tell you the cause of the issues so that they can be kept at bay in future. You can reach them directly via dialing Gemini Support Number. The experts’ work 24*7 round the clock to resolve the issues associated with Gemini. Don’t get late and always grab the chance to fix your problem in no time.
    Website: https://www.cryptowalletsupport.com/gemini-support-number/

  2. Security problem in Blockchain account|Blockchain Support
    Do you ever gone through security issues while accessing your Blockchain account? One can imagine how difficult are they to deal with but still you must protect your security account from extra unwanted activities. The best way to deal with Blockchain security problems, you need to call on Blockchain Support Number and look for assistance from the experts. They will find out numerous ways to deal with the situation. They have memorized every solution on fingertips, so chances of delivering valuable services are high.
    Website: https://www.cryptowalletsupport.com/blockchain-support-phone-number/

  3. Unable to find wallet-file on Gemini|Gemini phone number
    Are you searching for wallet files in your Gemini wallet but unable to search them? Using and operating Gemini wallet is quite difficult for users who are new and don’t have enough knowledge. In case, you’re done with experiments and looking for ways to deal with such errors, you can take help from the team by calling them on Gemini support phone number which is functional and users can approach themanytime for impeccable results. Get in touch with the team for attaining results that are easy to execute without any problem.

  4. How to contact Gemini regarding technical issues.
    Despite the versatile features and applications, Gemini users get entangled in technical traps and mishaps that affect their technical issues. By dialing Gemini Customer service Number you get complete assistance related to every Gemini issues from the consummate and proficient experts. The helpline number is the most feasible way to get in touch with the experts as you get relevant and desired solutions on the spot and you don’t have to wait for long. To get rid of all the issues or errors, you need to dial our customer care toll free number.
    Website: http://www.geminidesk.com/


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